Software Patents: Patents for the Digital Transformation
The patenting of software, or computer-implemented inventions, is a rapidly developing field, but at the same time it is becoming more and more important. The latter is not least shown by a siginficant increase of patent applications in 2019 at the European Patent Office.
In contrast to “classical” inventions, where the question of the technical nature of the invention is hardly relevant, software patents musthave a main focus here. Drafting a patent application in the “conventional” style would probably result in the rejection of the patent application. Especially for software inventions and computer patents, or apps, you should consult a specialist in the field who knows the pitfalls and tricks of the trade.
Our competence in software patents covers new technologies like
- algorithms in data, image and sound processing
- artificial intelligence (especially neural networks and convolutional neural networks)
- block chain technology in industrial and private environments
- IoT and industry 4.0
- cloud systems
- app-based and smartphone based processes
- human-machine interactions, human-computer interfaces
- data display, graphical user interfaces (GUI)
- machine learning
- pattern recognition
- communication and network protocols
as well as computer-implemented inventions in the fields of
- medical technology
- mechatronics
- mechanical engineering
- automation technology
- control engineering
- …
Digital Communication: Communication for tomorrow
The digital communication enables IoT, industry 4.0 but also ….
- network technolgy
- protocol design and specification
- analog/digital signal processing
- cellular networks
- etc.
Mechatronics and Mechanics: Basis for every appartus
Mechanics and mechatronics are interdisciplinary areas, which are involved by various technical fields:
- automation technology
- manufacturing engineering/plant engineering
- robotic systems
- medical technology
- drive technology
- vehicle technology
- mechanical engineering
- control engineering
- electrical engineering
- aeronautical engineering
- etc.
Physics and Material technology: The classical fields of technology are still innovative
Science-based inventions remain the door-opener for technology innovations:
- process engineering
- chemical analysis technology
- optics
- technical chemistry
- etc.